The Director of the Translation Centre is the legal representative of the agency who reports to the Centre's Management Board. The Director is in charge of the management and administration of the Centre and has the following main responsibilities:
- preparing and implementing the work programme, the budget and the decisions taken by the Management Board;
- execution of the tasks assigned to the Centre;
- day-to-day administration;
- all staff matters.
The Director is assisted by the Translation Centre staff who are structured into departments and sections, as reflected in the organisational chart.
The Director is directly responsible for the Accounting Section, the Local Informatics Security Officer (LISO) and the External Relations and Communication Section.
Accounting Section
The Accounting Officer is nominated by the Management Board and is independent in the performance of his duties. The Accounting Officer and his team are responsible for managing revenue, expenditure and accounts in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. The Accounting Officer is in charge of treasury management and invoicing related to the activities of the Centre. To fulfil these tasks, the Accounting Officer cooperates closely with the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors and external auditors.
Local Informatics Security Officer (LISO)
The LISO is in charge of ensuring that the Centre's IT systems comply with the relevant security standards.
Officer in charge of Risk Management and Internal Control Coordination (ORMICC)
The ORMICC is responsible for the development and implementation of the internal control strategy. The ORMICC organises the self-assessment of the Centre's Internal Control Framework and provides advice on risk management, ensuring that risks are continuously identified and appropriately managed.
External Relations and Communication Section
The External Relations and Communication Section liaises with the Centre’s clients to identify their needs and measure satisfaction levels. This is achieved through regular client visits and periodic surveys.
In cooperation with clients, the Section arranges training sessions, workshops and presentations for the Centre’s translators in order to broaden their knowledge of the clients’ highly specialised fields of activity and procedures. Similarly, the Section organises presentations to enable clients to further understand the Centre’s role and services.
The Section is also in charge of internal and external communications. It disseminates information and news via the Centre’s intranet, website, social media channels and Client Portal. The Section prepares and coordinates targeted publications, such as the Highlights of the Year report, and a number of brochures and newsletters. It also runs various events to promote multilingualism.
Director's declaration of interests