Dokument 01994R2965-20031001 AbiPrindi see leht Tekst Dokumendi andmed Salvesta rubriiki „Minu kirjed” Ajakohastatud link Püsilink Laadi alla bibliograafilised andmed 01/10/2003 17/11/1995 Õigusakt Konsolideeritud tekst: Nõukogu määrus (EÜ) nr 2965/94, 2

Founding regulation setting up the Translation Centre - JO 1994 L 314

Amended Founding Regulation - JO 2003 L 245

Financial Regulation of 22 September 2019 applicable to the Translation Centre

Rules on financial contribution towards travel


Financial Regulation of 2 January 2014 applicable to the Translation Centre

Decision amending the Financial Regulation of 2 January 2014 applicable to the Translation Centre

Amended Founding Regulation - JO 1995 L 268

Internal Directive on financial contribution CDT