El Centro de Traducción de los Órganos de la Unión Europea (en lo sucesivo, «el Centro») es una agencia de la Unión Europea (UE). Establecido en Luxemburgo en 1994, su misión principal es proporcionar servicios lingüísticos y de traducción a las demás agencias descentralizadas de la UE. También puede ayudar a las instituciones y organismos de la UE que cuentan con sus propios servicios de traducción cuando existan picos de trabajo o en proyectos específicos. En total, el Centro traduce para casi 70 clientes. A finales de 2020, contaba con un total de 220 agentes, que incluye a funcionarios, agentes temporales y personal contractual. MÁS INFORMACIÓN
The Translation Centre was delighted to welcome four new clients to its community in 2023 and 2024: the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC), the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking (JU) and the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).
AI has revolutionised language services and machine translation (MT), but using AI-based language applications without due care and attention can be risky. Find out how to safeguard your image whilst still exploiting machine translation to the fullest with our new brochure.
Have you heard of IATE (pronounced ‘ee-ah-tay)? If you’re a language professional, you probably have. It’s the terminology database of the European Union and contains more than 7 million terms, making it a reference in the field of terminology and the largest multilingual term database in the world.
Luxembourg was the place to be in the first week of July for language and law students, when 32 of them had the opportunity to take part in the first Multilingualism EU Summer School. They visited the various translation services of the EU institutions, and the Translation Centre was pleased to share its expert knowledge in terminology management as part of this.
On 6 June 2024, Ildikó Horváth, Director of the Translation Centre, delivered the keynote address at the international conference ‘Building Bridges Across Languages: Human-Centred AI for the Euro-Med’ in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This event brought together leaders and experts from the translation field to discuss innovative approaches at the intersection of language and AI.
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