During the past few weeks, training and education have featured prominently on our agenda, with two important meetings with EU agencies working in these fields.
Following the Director’s visit in April to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) and her meeting with its Executive Director, Ivailo Kalfin, the Translation Centre has been hosted by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) during the month of July.

Ms Horváth had the opportunity to meet Cedefop’s Executive Director, Jürgen Siebel, as well as the Head of Communication and the member representing Cedefop on the Translation Centre’s Management Board. The discussion was focused on strengthening the close cooperation between our agencies and on exploring potential areas where the Translation Centre could provide valuable services based on the emerging needs of Cedefop. Specifically, the meeting addressed the need to enhance accessibility for disadvantaged groups, social media translation, plain language editing, the outsourcing of publication processes and web translation.

Later on, during the visit to the ETF, Ms Horváth was welcomed by Pilvi Torsti, Director, as well as the Head of the Project Management Unit and the Head of the Resources Unit. During the visit, the ETF representatives expressed their satisfaction with the services provided by the Translation Centre, acknowledging the simplicity and efficiency of the process. Potential translation needs were also discussed, with a particular focus on the transcription and subtitling services provided by the Translation Centre.
During the visits, the main services of the Translation Centre were presented by Ms Horváth, with an emphasis on the latest technological developments implemented. These meetings were an opportunity for the representatives to discuss and identify the main needs of the agencies where the Translation Centre could bring value through its services, using tailored and competitive solutions.