Översättningscentrum för Europeiska unionens organ är en EU-byrå. Översättningscentrumet grundades 1994 i Luxemburg och har som främsta uppgift att tillhandahålla översättningstjänster och tillhörande språktjänster till de andra decentraliserade EU-byråerna. Vi kan också bistå EU-institutioner och EU-organ som har egna översättningstjänster när dessa har arbetstoppar, eller hjälpa dem med specifika projekt. Sammanlagt översätter vi åt nästan 70 kunder. I slutet av 2020 hade vi sammanlagt 220 anställda om man räknade samman tjänstemän, tillfälligt anställda och kontraktsanställda. JAG VILL VETA MER
AI has revolutionised language services and machine translation (MT), but using AI-based language applications without due care and attention can be risky. Find out how to safeguard your image whilst still exploiting machine translation to the fullest with our new brochure.
Have you heard of IATE (pronounced ‘ee-ah-tay)? If you’re a language professional, you probably have. It’s the terminology database of the European Union and contains more than 7 million terms, making it a reference in the field of terminology and the largest multilingual term database in the world.
Luxembourg was the place to be in the first week of July for language and law students, when 32 of them had the opportunity to take part in the first Multilingualism EU Summer School. They visited the various translation services of the EU institutions, and the Translation Centre was pleased to share its expert knowledge in terminology management as part of this.
On 6 June 2024, Ildikó Horváth, Director of the Translation Centre, delivered the keynote address at the international conference ‘Building Bridges Across Languages: Human-Centred AI for the Euro-Med’ in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This event brought together leaders and experts from the translation field to discuss innovative approaches at the intersection of language and AI.
On 6 June 2024, the Translation Centre hosted the ninth Translation Contact Network (TCN) meeting at its premises in Luxembourg, bringing together several participants from various EU entities and representatives from the Translation Centre. This annual event serves as a platform for information exchange and experience sharing between the Translation Centre and its clients, with the aim of fostering mutual understanding, discussing current and future needs, optimising working methods and searching for best practices and synergies.
Translation services for the needs of the implementation of the procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations and rules on information society services laid down in DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/1535 "Single Market Transparency Directive, SMTD".
Translation Services for the needs of the implementation of the procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations and rules on information society services laid down in DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/1535 "Single Market Transparency Directive, SMTD"